Wednesday 1 May 2013

How To approach Belly dance persian performing art jewelry costume choices for yourself

This is a very interesting Topic and very important too
Especially when you are a performer who has lots of weight or is aged The belly dance costume
One of the biggest problems for those performers is their costume and would they look Good in
What they will perform in their costume and would they be able to attract their audience the way
They won't

The Only choice the performer Has here been leaning towards more “old world” or historic than modern appearances in my costuming–fabrics that look like they could be natural fibers (even if they aren’t). To choose costume pieces that look like they may have stepped out of the pages of history in their cut and combinations. I try to collect pieces that will mix and match with other pieces I own, rather than whole individual costumes

The same question came in my mind when I saw the title dance at any size !
And  the Right answer The old costumes from many dancing cultures were really made for big women Actually even a hundred years ago men would prefer fat women over slim women Fat was not feeling like a disease or anything to be ashamed of but it was considered as a person belonging to a rich and healthy family who lives a great lifestyle
So their costumes were also made to make them look more prominent and beautiful
Kuchi dresses or Afghan Clothing is one of the big examples of belly dance ancient costumes

There are also many different things available in the market which you can grab on easily and very affordable prices like many peoples buy kuchi coins or the nipple shape dome button or Turkoman pendants can be used in making a costume more attractive and to give the audiences more ancient look in your performance which they would love because everyone knows how ancient the art of belly dancing is ,many now call it Tribal fusion, ATS, and many other names but the fact is the real belly dance is the one that was the ancient Egyptian classical belly dance

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